Our Schools

Early Childhood/Preschool





Thompson Career Campus

Thank You for Your Support!

Greetings Thompson School District Students, Parents, Staff and Community Members:
While every day is a great day here in TSD, this month has been especially great so far. Thanks to the trust and confidence of our community, we have passed our Bond and Mill initiatives with a considerable margin of support.  We are grateful and thankful for this support and commit that we will utilize these resources to achieve our desired goals and outcomes as a school district.  
As you are all well-aware, it takes considerable resources to support the work that we are doing within the District. For many years, our District has worked tirelessly to ensure that we operate in a fiscally responsible way, while looking to economize, build in efficiencies, and delay and prolong repairs and improvements in order to work within our means. The net effect of this way of operating has led to maintenance backlog issues, the aging of our technology and infrastructure to near obsolescence, and a struggle to keep up with surrounding school districts in terms of providing competitive compensation and benefit packages that honor the work of our very talented workforce. With the successful passage of our initiatives, we will now be much better able to directly address our maintenance needs, our growth needs, our safety and security needs, our curriculum and instructional needs, and our compensation needs in a substantive manner.  
Our commitment to the community is to ensure that we are transparent, fiscally responsible, and true to the requirements of the Bond and Mill. To that end, we will be seeking citizens to serve on the CBOC (Citizens Bond Oversight Committee) and the Mill Levy Oversight Committee. Both of these committees have been developed, as promised, to provide direct community involvement and engagement with our resources, as well as provide transparency and oversight with our upcoming expenditures as they relate specifically to the Bond and Mill. An application for these committees will be available soon.  
Thank you for your support and confidence in this amazing District. I know that a great many of you played a role in this successful passage through campaigning, advocacy within the community and your vote. Please know that as a District, our 2400 employees are committed to ensuring that the Thompson School District is a World-Class organization with the tenacious and uncompromising pursuit of student achievement and success. I am so very proud of our students, our employees, and our community, and I thank you once again for your investment in our future. We will not disappoint!!
Dr. Marc Schaffer
Superintendent of Schools
Thompson School District