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Update to the Community – May 8, 2020

Greetings, Thompson Community:

Please see my letter below as well as some other notes from around the district.

Thank you.

Greetings Thompson School District Students, Families, Staff and Community,

As the 2019-2020 school year comes to a close, we can certainly acknowledge that this was one for the history books. It was a year that started off with great promise, hope and optimism, and I feel that it concludes in the same way. We witnessed a dramatic shift in our traditional method of educating students and replaced it with a completely new reality that catapulted us into a virtual and online teaching and learning process. This new system was met with challenges as well as innovation. In adversity and strife, we often find heroic and selfless acts that transcend the political and social fabric of our world. What I choose to focus on in these closing moments of the school year is a district community that pulled together and rallied to make the very best out of a complex and unfamiliar situation.

To our graduating seniors โ€“ Congratulations! You were cruising down the home stretch of this school year and the finish line came upon you much quicker than expected. Sports seasons, concerts, plays, proms and other school memories were cut off and cut short. These cannot be replaced, and I am deeply saddened by that. Nevertheless, you have accomplished much in your school careers, have made many positive memories, have enjoyed numerous successes and have definitely left your mark on your schools, your classmates and the district. These amazing memories are still intact and they will stay with you well into your adulthood. On balance, you have experienced far more than you have lost during your educational career and you will continue to make memories as you venture off to your future. What you leave behind is a community of family, friends and citizens who care deeply about you. While we cannot replace the loss of rites of passage that high school seniors have enjoyed for generations, please know that your community is standing by you as you move on to the next important chapter in your life. We wish you the very best and give you a standing ovation in salute of your tenacity, grit and perseverance as you move onward. We know you will do great things in this world. We are counting on you, and you have our unconditional support.

To all of our students returning next year, you have earned a much-deserved summer break. This year was not easy for you either, but you have also demonstrated the ability to adapt in a time when things were not easy or certain. Enjoy your time away from your studies and from school. We will be working very hard over the summer to prepare for your return. There is a tremendous amount of planning and preparation to do as our uncertain times will continue for awhile. We do this work to support you and to prepare you for your future. Our entire district staffโ€”all 2,100 of usโ€”are here because of you, and we will do what it takes to support you in your educational growth and development. I hope you can find the time to have some fun and relax this summer. You have earned it!

To our incredible staff โ€“ Thank You! This was not an easy end of the year for you and you gave so much of yourself to provide for our students and our district. You are extraordinary and very talented. Above all, you care about the students and the TSD community. You stepped up when we needed you the most and you continue to serve with valor and with professionalism.

Thompson School District is committed to a continuous improvement cycle. Like students, we learn, grow and adapt, and we will continue to keep our focus on our students and on our community. I wish you the very best and thank you for your unwavering support. I commit to you that we will continue to forge into the 2020-2021 school year with grace and distinction.

Have a wonderful summer!

Dr. Marc Schaffer
Thompson School District

Community Forum To Be Held on Monday, May 18

Thompson School District will host a virtual community forum on Monday, May 18, at 6:00 PM. The forum will be an opportunity for students, families, staff and community members to learn more about what the district has been working on as the 2019-2020 school year begins to come to a close, as well as current planning efforts that are underway. The forum will be streamed live on the district’s YouTube channel (“Thompson School Districtโ€). In order to help ensure an efficient on-line experience for all, visitors to the forum will submit their questions ahead of time. To submit your question or feedback, please complete the form that is located HERE. The forum will be recorded and a copy of it will be placed on the district’s YouTube channel soon after it’s completion. We hope you will join us!

โ€œTSD @ Home Learningโ€ Survey

A short survey will be sent to families this coming Monday, May 11. The purpose of the survey is to gather information about student and family experiences during the โ€œTSD @ Home Learningโ€ period. The information that is provided will greatly assist staff in their planning efforts for the fall.

Turn-in of Technology Checked Out to Students

Only seniors and students leaving the district for the 2020-2021 school year are required to turn their device back in to the district by the end of the school year. All other students may keep their device for home use throughout the summer. Every Tuesday from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm during the month of May, Mary Blair Elementary School (860 E 29th St, Loveland) will be open for turn-in of devices checked out to seniors and students not returning to school for the 2020-2021 school year.

For seniors and non-returning students, please wait for a Tuesday in May after you no longer need the device for school work before you turn it in. Students may check-in the device without a parent, but they will need a student ID or other valid form of identification. Please check-in the charger, cord and device all at once. Mountain View High School students should not come to Mary Blair Elementary School for turn-in. They will have their own designated days at MVHS on May 20-21.

TSD Building Closures Extended Until July 1

TSD staff members continue to partner regularly with our local health officials regarding the latest impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. In coordination with the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment, TSD has extended the closure of all buildings in the district until July 1. This includes all in-person activities and events that are scheduled inside or outside of facilities. Thank you very much for your patience and support as we navigate these challenging times.

Food Distribution Is Still Available

As a reminder, Thompson School District, KidsPak and the Food Bank for Larimer County are continuing to provide emergency food distribution for TSD students throughout the week. For more information and to view the schedule, please click HERE.